October 21, 2023 The café made it through the storm!

Danish Faaborg Rögeri Café survived the storm Babet by surrounding the entire building with a boxwall from Swedish NOAQ. During the night to Saturday the sea rose more than two meters and inundated most of Faaborg harbor, where the café is located. The water was 95 cm deep around the building, but as the boxwall is exactly one meter high, the café survived.
– We are super relieved that everything went our way, says owner Line Klivager in an interview for Danish DR on Saturday morning. We have been able to go dryshod all night, even when it was chaotic and critical.
– I think my café is now the driest place in the whole harbor, says Line.
Now all that remains is to take down the barrier and stow away the components, so that she can reopen the café on Sunday, the last day of the season.
– The water should not be allowed to decide when we close for the season, and now it should be celebrated that we managed to get through this whole thing, she says.
Drift & Produktion Atellus AB